Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy Hew Year

These are the times when all philosophies have been preached; a time when all hopes have dimmed out; and a time when words have all been cast away through blurted out speeches. So, what is there to say? We have come to a wasteland where all human sewage lies. Skepticism is the key word of modernity. Hopelessness keeps knocking on our door and we are constantly hesitant as to whether we should or should not open it. These days, people do not believe in the unseen, will not hear the words a righteous man speaks, claiming they are mere meaningless tittle-tattle.
The end of a year is the time of reflection. It is when worn out hearts and brains are granted rest and are nourished with kind feelings. It is when we can stop meandering and focus on resolutions for the upcoming year. So, my friend, let us review our philosophies that have been preached; let us awaken our hopes; and let us fish out our words so we can speak them tenderly in moments of affliction. Let us clean up the trash that has been left; let us believe in what the eyes cannot see; let us dodge hopelessness that is knocking on our door and reaffirm that hope lies wherever and whenever we want it to be. That is what I wish you for 2011. Happy New Year!